Why You Should Be Using Lights on Your Bike During the Day

Why You Should Be Using Lights on Your Bike During the Day

We’re passionate about getting more people to use lights on their bike, any time they’re on the road. Here’s why.

  • Since February 2011, cars manufactured to EU legislation have to be fitted with daytime running lights by law. So, with most cars now having lights on all the time, we’ve become adapted to looking out for lights when navigating the roads. And let’s face it, cars are much larger and easier to spot than cyclists.
  • 80% of traffic collisions involving cyclists happen during the day.
  • Roads are busier now than ever and that trend is only going in one direction, so making sure you stand out from the crowd is vital.
  • Lights catch the eye from much further away than bright colours. Wearing a high-vis on the road is good practise but it’s only noticeable when in relatively close proximity. Our DayBright lights are visible from over 1km away.
  • People make decisions in split seconds while using the road, whether that’s pulling out of a junction, crossing a roundabout or overtaking. A bright light in someone’s peripheral vision or mirrors will impact that decision making.
  • Drivers are more distracted than ever, with sat navs and hands-free phone calls taking focus away from the road ahead. Bright lights pierce that distraction and get you noticed, even when someone isn’t paying full attention.
  • Drivers often give more respect to riders with lights on. For many years our customers have reported being given a wider berth by drivers when they have used our lights. It’s most likely because they’ve been seen earlier.
  • Why not? Instead of asking why you should use lights during the day, ask yourself why you wouldn’t. We can’t think of a good reason.

It isn’t possible to guarantee your safety when riding on the road but being visible is definitely going to help.